

Visonic helps protect major sporting event

Tel Aviv, Israel

Visonic's Tower-20AM security detection units have been used for security at Canada's Winter Games, which took place in Halifax, Nova Scotia in February. Described as "the biggest sporting event in Halifax history", the Canada Winter Games kicked off February 15th. The event featured 2700 competitors from 800 communities. Theft and vandalism were among the concerns at the multiple locations being protected, as was ensuring that incidents external to the Games did not affect the event.
“Failure of the critical systems we were protecting could have had a significant impact on the Games,” said Roger Miller of integrator Northeastern Protection Service in Halifax. “It’s conceivable that failure of these systems could have caused certain events to be postponed or cancelled, and that scenario would have impacted very negatively on the region.”

Miller put his trust in Visonic’s Tower-20AM units to get the job done. The set ups are each in remote unmanned locations requiring early notification of intrusion.

A huge challenge Miller faced was dealing with the harsh weather conditions throughout the region. Temperatures ranged from four degrees below zero Fahrenheit to close to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, with two foot snow drifts decorating some areas and heavy rains slapping down on others.

The Tower-20AM features Octa-Quad technology, which uses eight PIR sensors (as opposed to only one used in some other outdoor detectors), with each sensor acting as a Quad detector, to accurately determine whether an alarm is justified.

To further increase reliability, Tower-20AM has a robust housing and patented anti-masking protection that can distinguish between masking spray, rain and sprinkler irrigation.

According to Visonic the Tower-20AM is the first detector to prevent false alarms caused by outdoor interferences, such as rain, snow, lightning storms, swaying bushes and free-roaming animals, while still providing reliable detection of real threats.

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