

Vemotion provides video support at outlying locations

North Yorkshire, UK

Vemotion is working with Shropshire Council, the unitary authority for the county of Shropshire, to provide a solution for cost effectively monitoring outlying CCTV cameras.
Shropshire has extended the capabilities of its existing CCTV network by deploying low bandwidth video transmission capabilities as a viable and cost effective means of monitoring the cameras installed at outlying locations from its 24/7 Monitoring Centre where the cameras throughout the county town of Shrewsbury are already monitored by a full time team of operators.

The Shropshire Monitoring Centre is part of a larger family involving the Council’s Civil Enforcement Parking Officers, CCTV Public Space Surveillance, Out of Hours Customer Service Staff, Bylaw Inspector, Dog Wardens, Car Park and Cash Collection team and supporting Street Scene Managers, in dealing with environmental crimes.

“Within Shrewsbury, most cameras are connected to our own fibre network but the cost of fibre connections from outlying positions would have been prohibitive,” explained Dave Roberts, Environmental Enforcement Manager whose responsibilities include the Shropshire CCTV network. “Vemotion has provided us with an effective, low cost solution backed by superb service,” added Dave.

Shropshire Council installed the Vemotion multi-channel video encoder at the Whitchurch Police Station. This enabled live video feeds from all CCTV cameras in the Whitchurch area to be streamed across to the Monitoring Centre via a low bandwidth broadband connection. Up to 16 cameras can be monitored simultaneously. The encoder automatically optimises each feed to provide the best resolution depending on the number of cameras being viewed at any one time and the available network bandwidth. For instance, when an operator picks up an item of interest, they can select the relevant camera feed and view the live video utilising the full network bandwidth in order to maximise image clarity.

According to the staff at the Monitoring Centre, the flexibility of bandwidth used and ability to focus on a particular camera and increase picture resolution is an important additional capability that makes the system user friendly and fit-for-purpose while saving money on network bandwidth.

Shropshire Council Cabinet member, Councillor Steve Charmley said: “The council aims to provide services which are fit for the future and offer value for money. This solution fulfils these aims and contributes to our wider work with partners to reduce crime in the county.”

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