

The Anvil Group responds to terrorist attack in Cairo

Cairo, Egypt

The Anvil Group, specialists in crisis avoidance services, on the 23td responded to the terrorist attack that took place in Cairo on the 22nd of February. A tourist favourite, Khan al-Khalili bazaar came under attack when two objects were thrown into the crowd in the vicinity of the al-Hussein Mosque. The Anvil Group strongly advises tourist and business travellers in the region to remain vigilant and avoid areas of large public gatherings. .

Terrorists have targeted the area in the past when an attack killed 21 tourists in April 2005. It was the first attack in a series of suicide bombings that targeted tourists in the area. As a result of the first attacks many tourists avoided Egypt and the area of Khan el-Khalili for some time.

"We have been following the development of the situation through our Travel Risk Intelligence System (TRIS) and according to our analysts, it is suspected that these attacks have been carried out by lone individuals inspired by the Al-Qaeda's rhetoric," says The Anvil Group's director, Matthew Judge. "We are saddened to see that the attack has cost an innocent life and placed many tourists in harm's way. Our advice to anyone in the area, both business travellers and tourists is to remain alert, and review emergency plans in case you need to leave the area quickly."

The attacks took place during half term holiday from schools across Europe, suggesting that the incident was intended to damage Egypt's tourist industry. "Based on the information we have been gathering and feeding to our clients with business travellers in the region, there is evidence to support that the attacks were partly motivated by Cairo's perceived support for recent Israeli operations in Gaza," adds Judge. "The incident was clearly planned for the peak holiday season in the country and heighten the risk to both tourists and business travellers in the region. We would advise all Western tourists and business travellers to take extra precautions to ensure their safety at this time."

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