

Teleeye helps solve security problems for green lifestyle project

Hong Kong, China

To support security needs at Produce Green Foundation, Teleeye has donated a RX video recording server and video reception software to achieve high quality video surveillance for better protection and security at the farm.
Produce Green Foundation is a non-profit charity organisation established to promote organic farming and green lifestyles in Hong Kong. Every year, it organises various activities to encourage the community to experience the natural way of life through participating in organic farming or gardening. Events include environmental seminars, courses and training for people of different age groups.

The office at its Fanling organic farm had been a very peaceful base for the Foundation to carry out its mission and goals. However, for the past few years, the office had encountered security problems and was burgled several times. Computers and hard disks were targeted and as a result, the foundation had lost important files and data. To avoid such unfortunate incidents from happening again, a professional video surveillance system was an essential requirement.

Teleeye has always been supportive in providing sponsorships and funds to charities. Moreover, it is dedicated to protecting the environment through donating to organisations such as WWF and has been taking various environmentally friendly measures in its offices to promote a green environment.

Produce Green Foundation was thankful for Teleeye’s kind support and impressed by the Teleeye video recording server and video recording software as it fulfills their needs for local monitoring and recording. It greatly enhanced their security and protection level of the farm. Teleeye is proud to be able to assist the foundation and provide a more secure farming environment for the community.

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