

Rising bollards on the up

Austin, Tx (USA)

Analyst Adi Pavlovic at IMS Research has found that market limitations for road blockers are leading to greater growth opportunities for rising bollards.
In a report published by IMS Research entitled the World Market for Vehicle Entrance Control Equipment, global revenues for rising bollards are forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4 percent, nearly double that of vehicle blockers for the period 2011 to 2015.

Report author and analyst at IMS Research Adi Pavlovic comments: “The decision to install a rising bollard over a vehicle blocker depends greatly on the level of security required, the available space, and aesthetic appeal. Rising bollards offer a more versatile blend with building aesthetics, require less space to install and fit well around high pedestrian traffic areas. These attributes have made rising bollards the preferred product in low-medium security projects.”

Opportunities for rising bollards within high-risk sites remain limited with many site protection managers preferring the durability of road blockers to the aesthetic appeal of a rising bollard. However, following a raft of certifications, a greater shift toward rising bollards has begun. Pavlovic continues: “Vehicle blockers have been the dominant solution in high-security applications for many years, but since rising bollards have become K-12 rated these products are being considered more often for the same projects. They have the equivalent ability to stop a moving vehicle as road blockers, while offering a flexible solution in terms of space and installation.”

While any full replacement of road blockers is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future, it is hard to ignore the increased opportunities being found for rising bollards that show proven flexibility to work in several applications.

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