

Raytec warns for summer risk months

Northumberland, UK

"The long summer evenings may be upon us but security planners should not overlook the importance of effective CCTV lighting, or the reality that most crime happens at night", warns Shaun Cutler, MD of Raytec.

System designers should remember that ambient lighting levels at night are not conducive to good CCTV pictures, even at the height of summer, he says.

"Although lighting conditions may seem less challenging at this time of year CCTV systems still need purpose-designed lighting if they are to work properly," says Shaun Cutler.

"Planners should remember that the pattern of crime also changes during the summer, with many areas at greater risk of opportunist and petty crime late at night when potential offenders and trouble-makers are more likely to be present."

Raytec, which specialises in developing CCTV lighting technology - including its Raymax and Raylux Infra-Red and White-Light products - is well known for the series of CCTV 'Test Nights' which are staged around the country during the winter.

But now Raytec are also calling for greater attention to be paid to lighting during the summer nights, and are planning a series of test sessions before October.

These sessions will allow installers and system designers to see how well different lighting solutions perform in field conditions - and will allow them to plan ahead for the return of the challenging dark nights which are only a few months away.

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