

Paxton Access appoints distributor in Bangladesh

Brighton, UK

Paxton Access has signed up Synest Ltd. as a distributor in Bangladesh. This is Paxton Access' first venture into the Bangladeshi market and is part of its ongoing expansion strategy.

"It is very easy for European companies to underestimate the requirement for quality security products in markets such as Bangladesh, and yet there is considerable business to be had as long as you are working with the right local partner," comments Simon Wood, Paxton Access' overseas business development manager "Synest Ltd. are an influential player in the Bangladeshi security sector and, in addition to running a well established distribution function, often win significant government and international tenders through close co-operation with their existing installer base"

"We are delighted to add the Paxton Access range to the Synest offering as it is a good fit with the range of products and services we already offer through our nationwide reseller network," states Fahimul Huq, managing director of Synest Electronics Ltd "In a market where there is not yet a great deal of access control technology in use, we have the opportunity to set standards in the quality of product and service, shaping the development of access control systems in Bangladesh"

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