

Nedap enhances access control at micro level

Groenlo, The Netherlands

The number of agile working organisations is increasing rapidly and so is the question for secure storage for peoples' personal belongings. That's why Nedap has integrated Locker Management into the 3.1.1 release of its AEOS Security Management Platform. Employees, visitors and contractors can now use their access cards to access e.g. lockers, filing cabinets, laptop lockers or post boxes.
“We noticed that companies are asking for secure and private ways to store personal belongings and assets," explains Arjan Bouter, sales director at Nedap. “As lockers are often used intensively, managing them should be simple and clever. Therefore, it was a logical step for us to add Locker Management into our user-friendly Identity & Authorisation application. With this integration we now offer more security and privacy to the user. And it gives our customers all relevant authorisation information in one application. Using the advanced AEOS user role model allows them to define which user(s) can allocate and withdraw, open or block lockers."

The straightforward user interface increases the usability of the system and it reduces the risk that user errors occur. This way, Nedap makes access control at micro level accessible to everyone, while offering the flexibility, cost effectiveness and ease of use which is so familiar to AEOS users. Working agile, companies often want to save on space. That’s why Locker Management can be implemented dynamically, so companies need up to 50% fewer lockers. This way, companies make more effective use of space, while saving on total cost of ownership.  Furthermore, key management is eliminated, as employees can use their existing access cards.

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