

Iscon 1000D whole body scanner enhanced with biometrics

Woburn, Ma (USA)

Iscon is introducing an enhanced version of the 1000D whole body scanner equipped with optional biometric technologies and identity verification techniques that will vastly improve security at corrections facilities, law enforcement as well as international airports.
Iscon markets the new Iscon 1000D as the only whole body imaging portal that can be integrated with state of the art technologies to detect virtually any object, without radiation or privacy issues and confirm that the person is indeed who they claim to be. This is critical in prisons as inmates try to pose as others to escape as well as airport security to speed processing, identify terrorists and discover contraband.

Iscon1000D uses thermo-conductive infrared technology that completes a 360 degree scan in 30 seconds, reveals a multitude of objects, but doesn’t penetrate clothing, so there’s no privacy or radiation issues.

It can detect the thermal imprint of any object that many scanners miss, including thin plastic, wood, powder (pills and drugs), paper (money), liquids and ceramics (explosives).

Iscon 1000D is already been sold in the U.S., Europe, China, Japan, Iraq, Russia and the Ukraine.

The enhanced system offers stand alone or combined options for integrated security capabilities through identify verification using technologies such as facial recognition, where the device can compare a person’s facial attributes to existing databases and cross match with other systems; fingerprint recognition – fingerprints are a highly reliable identification method and are a fast and easy way to determine identity. Large law enforcement databases can be accessed to cross match and verify a person’s identity quickly and easily; iris recognition, whereby scans of a person's iris can be cross-matched to a database for identity verification, and, card/barcode reader used for high traffic areas that need fast scans, the Iscon 1000D is equipped with a card and barcode reader. At manufacturing facilities and other high security operations, that require both scanning and verification, this system is ideal for people who are preapproved and can simply scan their card or barcode and go through safely.

“Facilities are facing significant privacy and health issues using scanners that expose a persons body parts that can be stored and shared digitally,” explains Iscon Founder and President Izrail Gorian. Using existing databases available today, or using a proprietary system of employees or inmates, security will ultimately be enhanced for everyone and at the same time ease verification for those who are not suspect.”

According to the manufacturer the enhanced Iscon system is less expensive than other whole body imaging systems, requires a smaller footprint and completes scan and detection in 30 seconds without radiation or privacy issues since infrared doesn't penetrate clothing.

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