

Intellio wins project award


As part of the 2010 Grand Prize for Innovation awards Intellio Ltd. received the Distinguished Achievement Award for its Intelligent Freeway Monitoring solution. As a result of the innovation the number of fatal accidents and accidents involving great material loss have decreased, and driving on the new section of the M0 freeway has become significantly safer.

"For the company who maintains the freeway it will not just be a return on investment, but has also been an important move as a means of preventing accidents. Apart from continuous monitoring and an effective way to prevent accidents, ÁAK Zrt. (State Motorway Management Co. Ltd.) is looking forward to utilize fewer resources in terms of manpower and lower operating costs," said János Kópházi, CEO of Intellio.

Intellio's Traffic Control Solution is an intelligent accident-preventing and event-recording system. The software, which has already been tested in England and Italy, is able to alert security officers when it detects a critical event logging its type and the exact time it happened - said the CEO. The intelligent functions built into the camera increase the effectiveness of human monitoring, especially for oversized installations, as the job, for the most part, is done by the cameras.

Most important functions for freeway installations include: detecting vehicles idling on the shoulder, identifying vehicles going the wrong way, and measuring the average speed of vehicles. In the event of an accident, for instance, the camera detects the sudden decrease in the speed of traffic and sends out an alert to the security center where officers can take action immediately.

Components receiving the award were the surveillance cameras with built-in Video Content Analytics functions, the monitoring and recording software, and the Traffic Control Solution developed specifically for the purpose of monitoring and preventing accidents on highways and freeways.

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