

Impact Image win international award for security training film

Surrey, UK

Impact Image, an independent production company, has won a prestigious Intermedia Gold Award in the Training Motivational Category at the World Media Festival 2006 held in Hamburg in May, 2006.

The film entitled "Why Would They Target Me?" is just one of four thought-provoking security training films made by Impact Image for the Security Management Directorate at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). Aimed primarily at new staff joining the FCO, the film highlights the behaviour that FCO staff may exhibit that could put their Security Clearance at risk. A dramatic and inspiring script was written by Impact Image's Grant Eustace which ensures that the completed film effectively advises staff how to mitigate any issues or risk that can arise. The winning trophy was presented by Impact Image to Andrew Noble, Director of Security at the FCO in London in August, 2006.
"Short films are a great medium to use in training and educating staff. We worked with Impact Image to produce a very slick programme that effectively captures a 90-minute training presentation video within 6-minutes. This award proves how well making a thought-provoking film can be done. So far, it has been a real audience winner and has received many positive comments on the production quality and impact. We are delighted to see that such a prestigious award was given to this film" explains Andrew Noble.
In presenting the trophy, Paul Flandinette, Managing Director of Impact Image states "We were delighted to have been awarded this since it has been recognised as an example of outstanding excellence in audio-visual communications in training and motivational film making. The FCO is a delightful client to work with and their advice and input really contributed to making this production highly creative, entertaining, and provocative."

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