

EtherWAN Systems Switches used in Solar Car Team's Racer

California, USA

The University of Michigan Solar Car team is competing in the World Solar Challenge in Australia, October 2009. The Solar Car is a product of advanced engineering technologies designed and built by students at the University of Michigan. This year's car will be using EtherWAN Ethernet switches as part of the communications system that keeps the car running at peak performance and the people communicating with each other.

The Car's name is Infinium and is five time more aerodynamic than a Corvette. This car employs gallium arsenide solar panels that convert sunshine into electricity that is stored in Lithium batteries. The batteries are capable of powering the car for 300 miles on a dark night and will recharge the next day while driving. Infinium weighs about 400 pounds and has a top speed of 87 MPH.

EtherWAN is proud to sponsor the University of Michigan Solar Car Team and they strongly support the important work students are doing for the school as they advance their career prospects. More importantly, the work this team is doing will hopefully result in more efficient renewable energy sources in the future.

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