

Delta Barriers Provide Anti-Terrorist Protection at U.S. Embassy in Jordan

Delta Barriers Provide Anti-Terrorist Protection at U.S. Embassy in Jordan

The TT207S is a 108-inch (2,743 mm) moving wedge that can stop a high-speed truck in its tracks or be quickly lowered to allow passage of authorized vehicles. Crash-rated K12/L3, it is the first line of defense at embassies and key facilities worldwide. The TT207S Hydraulic Barricade System is 38 inches (965 mm) high with widths available up to 240 inches.

"The U.S. Embassy in Jordan not only uses the barrier to protect its compound from charging vehicles but the barriers create a sally-port which tightly controls traffic into the embassy," says Scott Altizer, High Security Systems Applications Engineer at Delta. "The first barricade is lowered to let in a car, while the barrier in front of the car stays up. The one in back then raises, and the car is sandwiched between them. Once searched and OK'd, the second barricade lowers and the car is allowed to enter the embassy."

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