For more than 15 years, October has been declared as Cybersecurity Awareness Month, dedicated to promoting cyber security among citizens and organisations, and to providing up-to-date online security information through awareness raising and sharing of good practices.
The Cybersecurity team in Hikvision Europe works tirelessly to support the company and its customers in reducing cybersecurity risks. The team works with business partners and industry organisations to establish industry standards and promote cybersecurity best practices.
Fred Streefland, Hikvision’s Cybersecurity Director EMEA, says: “One of the things we are really proud of is the positive penetration testing report for a number of our products that we received from an external company earlier this year. Source code reviewing during different product development stages is part of our ‘Secure-By-Design’ process and to receive such a positive report, confirms that our cyber security approach is on the right track.”
In April, researchers from an external pen-testing company in Lithuania tested three Hikvision IP cameras and one NVR.
The team is always monitoring cyber security developments globally, and has just launched a new set of cyber security pages on the Hikvision website, partly to be able to raise awareness of this important, ever-developing topic. The new website will host webinars from the team which will help customers and other external parties to navigate the complex world of cyber security.
Over Cybersecurity Month, Fred and his team colleague Chuck Davies (Hikvision’s Senior Director Cybersecurity) will also be holding a number of internal webinars, covering topics like: ‘Cybersecurity Basics’, ‘Product Cybersecurity’ and ‘Vulnerabilities Explained’.
Fred says: “One of the goals of Cybersecurity month is to promote education and dialogue, which we see as the pillars of the Hikvision Cybersecurity Team’s mission. We are happy to mark this important month internally with a varied program to update and inspire colleagues with cyber security information. The end purpose of this is to give employees the knowledge to better help their customers – after all, cyber security is everyone’s responsibility in the end.”