

Custom finished RFID reader range

Hargrave, Northamptonshire (UK)

Security Technologies Group (STG) announces the availability of custom finishes for their complete range of RFID card readers, designed to meet the demanding aesthetic requirements of today's building owners.

STG provides an innovative, patented, bespoke and customised printing service using a unique environmentally friendly process, according to the company. Customers can choose from a range of 22 base colours and 86 styles that include Animal, Carbon, Graphics, Metal, Nature, Stone & Wood. Each coating is available in a matt, satin or gloss finish.

The process was developed on the back of considerable recent demand for card readers that are more than just functional as more and more card readers are being installed in VIP areas and building receptions. Building receptions are designed to impart an impression on visitors that convey a company's image and the existing "one size fits all" approach compromises first impressions.

"No longer are End-users saddled with the standard black of beige card reader finishes that do not match the existing building décor", said Denis Kane, director of Security Technologies Group. "Now it is possible to supply card readers that blend into the existing decorative theme of the building rather than appearing to be an ugly afterthought", noted Kane.

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