

Business intelligence company formed

Preston, UK

Business Insight3, a CCTV/Analytics company, was just recently formed. Glen Higson, the previous Managing Director of the DVR manufacturer Dowshu Electronics has set up Business Insight³ (Bi³) along with the expertise of previous Dowshu technical manager Ed Kohut and sales manager Paul Green.

Bi³ has brought together multiple new technologies along with existing CCTV technologies to help give owner/managers a deeper 'Insight' into their organisation.

Business Insight³ provides companies with "Insight Management Reports". These reports contain information on key metrics in a business such as sales conversion rates, advertising effectiveness, staffing efficiencies, customer behaviour, health and safety and critical areas of security.

This essential information is delivered in a clear and efficient format backed up by video evidence. This allows top-level decision makers to make more informed decisions based on better information.

A working example may be a retail store that is taking 500 transactions on their tills per day, 5 of these are fraudulent. With a Bi³ system, the store owner would be informed of the number of visitors to the store on a particular day, the conversion rate of visitors to sales, where people walked whilst they were in the store (Hot Spots), estimates on staffing numbers by time and many other metrics. He/she would also be provided with short video clippings of the fraudulent till transactions.

Glen Higson commented, "By providing business owners with usable information, combined with video as apposed to just raw data, we can help them to make better business decisions, make efficiencies within their store, reduce fraud and make their stores more profitable." Glen continued, "We have put together a sophisticated system to do all the number crunching, the result is a short report with detailed usable business information. When you think that a business owner could save GBP1,000's every month yet outlay less than GBP50 per week, this becomes very exciting."

Drawing on past successes, Gen hopes Business Insight³ will not just fill a gap in the market but help give owner/managers a fresh look at their business with the aim of making them more profitable.

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