

Acti empowers wireless surveillance in Turkey


Acti's IP cameras will be installed in Acarkent Village, Turkey. Acti's partner, Terragroup has been awarded the contract for a wireless surveillance solution for Acarkent village. The installation is planned to take place by the beginning of 2007.

Acarkent Village has decided to install IP cameras to enhance the security for the whole community. There are 14 entrances in this village and most of cameras will be installed at these entrances. The whole system will combine Acti IP camera, Smartbridge wireless devices and Acti network video recorder system. There will be 3 servers and manage total 54 IP cameras at the control center.

There are two main reasons that Acarkent Village chooses Acti IP cameras for video surveillance system. The first reason is the good video quality and performance of Acti camera, the second reason is the cabling cost can be saved if using wireless devices for this IP surveillance project. Since Acti IP camera requires low-bandwidth for good quality image, it is very easy to integrate with Smartbridge wireless device.

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