

Whole Foods warehouse manages access control with Brivo

Bethesda, Md

The Whole Foods warehouse located in Aurora, CO, near Denver, has installed Brivo ACS Webservice to improve security and operations at the 110,000 square foot facility and adjoining bakery. Security Install Solutions is the integrator for this installation.
Previously, the warehouse relied on lock and key and keypads to manage access control for the 170 employees of the combined operations. “The old systems weren’t very effective,” commented Mario Ruiz, Associate Facility Team Leader, “we couldn’t update our records.” Ruiz and his team researched alternatives, settled on a new system, and were set to go until one of their suppliers introduced them to Rueben Orr from Security Install Solutions. Orr gave the Whole Foods team a demonstration of the Brivo ACS Webservice solution and they decided to go with it.

The Aurora Whole Foods warehouse handles produce, meat, cheeses, seafood, bulk items, and more through its 23 bay doors for shipping and receiving. Along with the bakery, the two facilities supply 28 Whole Foods stores in their four-state region. Every main entrance is covered by the Brivo system and Ruiz serves as the main system administrator.

The Brivo system has been in place for almost six months. “It’s been great, very easy to operate,” Ruiz observed. “Rueben (Orr) gave me a tutorial and an hour and a half later, I was up and running. It’s very user friendly.”

Ruiz uses the Brivo system to divide the employees from the warehouse and bakery, as well as outside contractors, into separate groups depending on each person’s specific access needs. He uses the system’s alert feature to warn him when doors are left ajar and he regularly runs reports for time and attendance information to monitor employee lateness.

“I saw with the Brivo user interface that we could do it all online. We didn’t need a separate PC or separate software. We were saving on installation."

In addition to improved access control, the warehouse has been able to tie their forklifts into the Brivo solution through an Infolink system to monitor data for OSHA compliance. Drivers log into their forklifts with the same card they use for building access.

“Everyone has badges, we’ve got a feeling of greater security, and the auto lock feature is great for management—we’re more in control. There’s a more professional feeling around here with the Brivo system,” Ruiz concluded.

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