

Viscount Freedom Vericert achieves FIPS certification

Burnaby, BC

Viscount Systems has received U.S. Government FIPS 201 certification for its new Freedom Vericert software from the U.S. General Services Administration ("GSA").
Freedom Vericert is now listed on the FIPS 201 GSA Approved Products List ("APL") under the caching status proxy category making it simpler for U.S. agencies to deploy Freedom technology and making it easier for Viscount to sell to U.S. government agencies.

Caching status proxy software has the capability to poll the status of all registered PIV ("Personal Identity Verification) federal employee ID cards periodically and cache the status responses from their issuer(s), without third party software. Caching status proxies are useful in scenarios that require extremely quick query-responses for certificate revocation status information or when physical access control systems need to cache certificate revocation information so as to be able to make an access control decision when on-line certificate validation is not possible.

"We are very pleased to receive GSA APL status for Freedom Vericert," noted Stephen Pineau, President and CEO of Viscount. "This dramatically improves our ability to sell to U.S. Government Agencies. Freedom Vericert represents a major advantage for Viscount since most competitors rely on expensive third party software to provide the caching status proxy functions that are required for FIPS 201 installations. This achievement furthers our ability to offer the highest security and lowest cost access control solution. With Freedom Vericert, Viscount will be able to increase both our revenues and margins, while continuing to provide real cost savings to our clients."

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