

Vigil Trends updated ready for ISC West

Westminster, Co

3xlogic, Inc. has significantly updated the company’s flagship business intelligence software, Vigil Trends.

Vigil Trends provides a clean, simple visual snapshot of a business. Leveraging unique icons, graphs, and intuitive colour-grouped images, Trends empowers the user to interpret vast amounts of disparate data more effectively and efficiently than ever thought possible. Trends reports are completely customisable, presenting information in the format and method most effective for the demands of the user.

The Vigil Trends dashboard lets you track and improve metrics that directly impact the success of your business with modules such as instant video clips, location by location comparison, 30 day snapshot, event reporting, traffic counts, propped doors, conversion rates, line queue reports, weighted exception reports and LP KPIs.

“Our first version of Trends was focused on creative ways to display the more traditional marketing data—people counting, conversion rates and customer service times. In this version, we have focused on POS Exception Reporting, user audit data, as well as processing data from other customer data feeds,” explained Charlie Erickson, 3xlogic SVP for Product Development.

“Combining Trends’ big data engine with POS enabled us to create exception reporting KPI reports, where top offenders from thousands of employees doing millions of transactions daily bubble up to the top. Coupled with a Youtube-like video playback, these offenders can be quickly identified and removed from operations. By optimizing LP investigators’ time and removing offenders from the system quickly, our users minimize their losses. Trends’ intuitive interface empowered one of our early adopters to catch his first offender within 5 minutes of using the system. End users will see rapid ROI with these many new features, the results are immediately visible.”


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