

Terror and mass shooting risk drives campus security market

Washington, DC (USA)

Mass shootings have increased in the U.S. and have made it the major market for school and campus security.

The latest information from Homeland Security Research Corp. predicts that the global school and campus security market will grow at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2018 -2025, driven by increasing rates of terror attacks, mass shootings and other fatal incidents that have targeted civilians in the past decade, highlighting the rising need for implementation of security solutions.

School and campus security technology refers to tools and systems that are used to monitor campus activity, to detect irregular/worrisome behaviour and/or individuals, to deploy physical protective solutions at the time of a dangerous incident, and to communicate with all stakeholders in such situations.

The School & Campus Security Market – 2020-2025 report is designed to be a valuable resource for executives with interests in the industry. Given the highly fragmented market, the report addresses the multiple facets and complexity of the market and provides market data analysed through 4 key perspectives: 4 regional markets, 16 national markets, 5 technology markets, and 2 end-user markets.

Mass shootings, particularly those carried out on school properties, have increased in the U.S. and have made the U.S. the primary regional player in the global School & Campus Security Technology market, as schools and campuses across the country look to deploy and upgrade security systems on their premises.

According to HSRC, at this present moment the majority schools in the US and Europe have implemented some level of security measures, but most are relatively low-tech and leave room for much technological improvement.

As the U.S. market is already relatively mature and constitutes the largest share of the world market, the global School & Campus Security market is expected to grow at a moderate rate. Homeland Security Research Corp. estimates that the Global School & Campus Security Market will grow at a 2018-2025 CAGR of 5.2%.


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