

System Sensor provides guide for residential security dealers

St. Charles, Ill. (USA)

System Sensor has published a new consumer-targeted brochure for residential security system dealers designed to illustrate the benefits of monitored/system-connected smoke detectors when compared to non-monitored smoke detectors in homes. The four-color, tri-fold brochure conveys the message that a home can be protected from fire continuously, regardless of whether or not anyone is home.

"Every homeowner wants to provide the best protection possible for his or her family. Many of us are away from home up to 12 hours a day, not to mention vacations and business trips," says Richard Roberts, senior product manager of the System Sensor security business unit
"Concern for safety and security spans every minute of every day, not just the time you are actually home, awake and alert to what's going on around you. Adding monitored smoke detectors to a home security system offers the priceless benefit of peace of mind"

The new System Sensor brochure describes how the detectors work and provides solid financial reasons for installing monitored smoke detectors. Monitored detectors reduce insurance premiums from 10 percent to 15 percent according to the Insurance Information Institute.

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