

Seetec launches multi-featured-video management software upgrade

Philippsburg, Germany

Seetec are marketing their latest version of Seetec 5.4 video management software as one of the most innovative upgrades in the history of the company.
An additional component is available within the Seetec multi solution platform which allows a seamless integration of the video system into the processes and workflows of customers. The Seetec counting suite provides counting of objects or persons within the camera view. Like the Seetec Analytics product range, it is based on powerful technology from Objectvideo, one of the leading companies in the world in the video content analysis industry. The Objectvideo capabilities are seamlessly integrated into the Seetec software. Both calibration and creation of counting rules and scenarios can be completely done within the Seetec user interface. No time-consuming connection and configuration of third party modules is necessary.

The addition of this high-level counting capability enables the user to extract valuable business intelligence about the retail and transportation environment, assuring a constant flow of information to aid business decision-making and increase operational effectiveness. Monitoring the flow of customers can for example support decisions to optimise the placement of products in a supermarket, opening up additional revenue perspectives. Raul Fernandez, CEO of Objectvideo agrees: “Through the utilisation of our patented counting capabilities, users of the Seetec multi solution platform will be able to make more intelligent business and operational decisions across a variety of vertical markets.”

With the Seetec Mobileclient for Iphone, Seetec showcases another highlight. It can be used to access a Seetec installation on the go via Wifi or 3G. The owner of a medium-size company can for example receive and manage alarms from the perimeter protection system during the weekend, allowing him to forward evidence directly to the police without any delay. A factory security officer can access camera images while he is on patrol. In addition to alarm management and access to live and archive images, software buttons can be used in the Seetec Mobileclient for iPhone e.g. to switch lights on and off or to open doors which are integrated into the surveillance system by I/O modules. The Seetec Mobileclient is available on an optimal basis for Seetec Enterprise or Probox Ecosystems. A version which will be optimised for visualization on the Ipad is currently in preparation.

Another innovative feature is available with the Seetec multi installation login, which makes life easier especially in very complex system environments as well as in security centres. It allows the user to be connected to up to 15 Seetec main servers in different installations simultaneously. Devices and entities of all available servers (cameras, views) are displayed within the established tree structure. In addition to live view, archive research and alarm handling for all connected servers, the multi installation login supports the Seetec SIP feature which allows it to establish VoIP communication e.g. to intercom units.

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