

S2 Security and Imprivata Partner to Provide Converged Phyisical and Logical Solution


Converged product will allow login access to computers and networks with knowledge of a user´s physical location.
S2 Security Corporation (S2) and Imprivata, Inc. are collaborating on a joint solution that will enhance identification of users at the point of computer login. The new product will be available late this summer.
The new product will combine Imprivata's industry leading OneSignT access and authentication management appliance platform with S2's NetBox physical access security solution. The converged solution will deliver an integrated physical/logical access system that will allow companies to use information about a person's physical location as a factor in their authentication and access privileges, delivering more comprehensive infrastructure for greater security and increased cost savings.
"S2 continues to be at the forefront of the convergence taking place between network security and physical security. This partnership is a natural step for S2 and the first in Imprivata's strategy to help enterprises finally realize the vision of securing access to all of their most critical networked assets," said Geoff Hogan, Senior Vice President, Business Development & Product Management/Marketing at Imprivata. "Since both companies have taken a novel appliance approach to making security as easy as possible to implement and administer, combining Imprivata OneSign with the S2 NetBox will quickly and easily enhance our customers' security capabilities. As an example, organizations will be able to deny remote network access if the user is already physically in the building."
The integration of the two systems is made possible by the application programming interface (API) offered on the S2 NetBox, and the fact that both systems are third generation network appliances. "When we talk about physical and logical security convergence, this is a pure example," said John L. Moss, CEO of S2 Security Corporation. "Only because both products share data over the same IP network, is this new application possible."
Using a common architecture based on shared network infrastructure has economic benefits as well. "Earlier approaches to this problem have been complicated and expensive to deploy," noted Hogan. "The converged S2 - Imprivata solution will not only be cost effective, it will also be the first of its kind to deliver true location based authentication. The solution will go a step further than other offerings by directly linking the currently independent physical and logical access systems' user identities.

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