

Restaurant chain protects clients from the elements with Boonassist

Lillington, NC

The Boonassist TQ manual revolving door from Boon Edam, a metal-framed door with glass sidewalls and door wings, is helping founder and CEO of Crafthouse restaurants, Evan Matz protect his customers from the elements of the snow and cold in the Virginia winters.

In his search for revolving doors, Matz’s contractor, St. Clair Construction of Lousiville, KY, recommended Boon Edam Inc., a global leader in architectural revolving doors and security entrances. Matz installed their Boonassist TQ manual revolving door to protect his business and customers from the elements as they enjoyed the local cuisine and colour of Northern Virginia.

“Snow and cold air could blow in and disturb the customers,” said Matz. “The revolving door not only blocks out the elements but creates a smooth entrance for customers as opposed to swing doors that can jam. I can also fit more tables with the space savings and that brings in a tangible ROI.”

Matz has been extremely pleased with the support and service he has received from Boon Edam. “When we call Boon Edam to assist, someone is out here the same day. The timing, professionalism and assistance from Boon Edam helps to keep our restaurant open and doesn’t hinder our business one bit.”

The Boonassist TQ manual revolving door from Boon Edam is a metal-framed door with glass sidewalls and door wings. The Boonassist TQ is remarkable for its three distinct features: a “push and go” power assist drive that reduces user effort by up to 50%, automatic positioning of the door wings at the end posts upon completion of rotation for maximum ease of use, and speed control that prevents excessive rotation speeds and therefore allows for safe operation.

In addition, the Boonassist TQ creates energy savings for Crafthouse and all users by minimizing air infiltration, especially during heavy use – which is the opposite effect of swinging doors. Crafthouse operates Boonassist TQ doors at all three of their locations.

“It’s a gorgeous door, and we’ve been thrilled with its performance and Boon Edam’s support. I’m planning to open many more locations and will continue to use this door,” concludes Matz.


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