

Relability key to success of IP video

Wellingborough, UK

Reliability is the most important factor driving the decision to use IP-based security technology according to a new report from IMS Research. Based on a wide-ranging survey of European integrators and installers of IP-based security products, it was found that customer requirements and the ability to future proof installations were also important considerations in the decision to go IP.

The main concern limiting European integrators' and installers' use of IP-based security products was the availability of network bandwidth. Reliability was again highlighted as an important consideration with customer misconceptions and the availability of IP products each receiving a high impact rating from one in four survey respondents.

According to report author and IMS Research analyst, Niall Jenkins, "The survey responses were taken from integrators and installers who already use IP-based security products so they had a good feel for the issues and concerns driving the purchasing decisions. It is interesting to note that reliability was identified as both a concern and a key feature driving the decision to purchase. It is clear that integrators and installers place a high value on the reliability of IP-based security products."

While the North American study also identified reliability as an important factor driving the purchase decision, the reliability of the product was seen as less of a concern than in Europe, with training and vendor support considered more important.

IMS Research's report, "IP Trends in Security: A Survey of Systems Integrators and Installers - 2009 Edition", is published in two regional volumes, Europe and North America.

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