

Pelco DX8100 DVR updated with enhanched software

Clovis, CA (USA)

Pelco DX8100 Series DVR is a suitable choice for mid-range, professional security solutions. New product enhancements released in version 1.1 software continues the Pelco commitment to this successful platform.

"The feature set of the DX8100 is great," says Bob Gutkowski, president of Datanet Systems in Michigan "One of our customers is already using the new data retention time imit feature to meet their privacy policies. As Pelco adds more features to the DX8100, we get to bring greater value to our clients"

This new XPe-based software version brings expanded audio capability and video output, improved privacy policy features, an unlimited number of multicast connections for live view via the web-client in multi-cast enabled local area networks, and more.

"We look forward to every new release of the DX8100 because it just makes a great product even better," says John Rockwell at TriState in Calhoun, Georgia "The biggest selling point of the DX8000, and now the DX8100, for TriState is the 'Thumbnail' or 'Sherlock Search'. In less than 10 seconds our customers can find a security incident, versus other products where they are watching 4 hours of video, at best. That one feature has sold more security products for us than anything else"

With performance and functionality well suited for the professional security user, Pelco continues ongoing development of its top-selling DVR. "In today's demanding marketplace and with a savvy user base, we can't sit on our success," says Yvonne Schwemmer, Pelco product marketing manager "Our customers love this product and continue to find new applications for it, which means new features to fit new needs. This is our second product enhancement in less than a year, an indication of our strong commitment to provide what our customers want in this market segment"

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