

Paxton Blu cloud based access launched in US

Greenville, SC

The new Paxton Blu, a cloud-based access control solution, is now being launched into the US market. Paxton Blu is a simple cloud-based access control system that can be managed from anywhere via an Internet connected PC, tablet or smartphone, for superior customer convenience. This gives the opportunity for dealers to remotely manage their customer sites and secure significant recurring revenue from Paxton Blu installations.

Paxton Blu has been designed to offer a flexible approach to site security as it can be configured without a local server and is therefore ideal for a range of applications, including remote or unmanned sites, where previously access control was not an option.

The system allows for thousands of users and is perfect for managing multiple locations across a site or even across the globe. The ability to add and delete users and change access rights via a web browser from anywhere in the world offers added flexibility.

Paxton Blu is powered by Amazon Web Services ensuring the system is regularly backed up and guaranteeing all data is secure in the event the system goes offline. Paxton Blu systems are enabled for LAN communications and optionally include a Paxton Blu 3G Modem Kit that provides a secondary line of communication to Paxton Blu hardware. This gives customers peace of mind in the event of network failure or a lack of internet connection.

Gareth O’Hara, Paxton’s Global Sales and Marketing Director, says: “I’m very excited to offer our customers a cloud-based access control solution that provides our dealers with an exceptional RMR opportunity. Our technology provides redundancy and integrity by utilizing the power of Amazon Web Services as the host.

We further increase our communication flexibility by being able to use Ethernet with cellular communication as a back up or as the stand alone communication. This all backed by Paxton’s unprecedented five-year warranty and industry-leading technical support.”


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