

Nice named as one of the World's most innovative companies

Ra Anana, Israel

Nice Systems has been named as one of the "World's 50 Most Innovative Companies" in 2014 by Fast Company magazine. This places Nice among leading businesses like Google, Amazon, Airbnb, and Nike.
Nice ranked first in the magazine’s “Top 10" innovators in finance.

According to Fast Company, “The Most Innovative Companies" ranking is the magazine’s most significant, high-profile editorial effort of the year. The editorial team spends months gathering and sifting data, to identify those enterprises that exemplify the best in business from across the economy and around the world. The end result is a package that dares to be different, emphasising not just revenue growth and profit margins but also progressive, sustainable business models and an ethos of creativity.

Nice was recognised for “making apps smarter and more sympathetic" with its Mobile Engage solution, which seeks to revolutionise customer service for mobile users in sectors like banking, retail, and insurance. When users require additional help beyond the app, the Nice solution enables them to seamlessly connect to a service agent and automatically transfers the user’s intent, history, and interaction context so that a customer service representative can pick up right where self-service left off.

Zeevi Bregman, President and CEO of Nice, said: “The proliferation of Big Data has a profound influence on our professional and personal lives. We are dedicated to providing our clients with innovative technologies and solutions to help them leverage insights from this data to transform their business. Our analytics-based advanced applications enable organisations to proactively predict and fulfill customers’ needs across channels, identify in real time events and opportunities that require attention, and help customer service teams be more efficient and effective. Our technologies are also applied by companies and organisations to fight financial crime, ensure compliance and increase security awareness."

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