

New Manitoba community centre controls access with Brivo

Bethesda, Md

The Town of Virden, located in the province of Manitoba, has installed Brivo ACS Onsite Aparato to provide access control management for their new, Regional multi-purpose community centre complex. National Industrial Communications, Inc. is the project integrator.
“We had a 56-year old hockey rink, and as a community we starting looking at building a new multi-purpose complex to bring all our activities together,” recalled John Davidson, Building Chairman, for the Virden Regional Community Complex. “We knew we would have a lot of different users with different access needs and we also knew that the old lock and key was a real pain and expensive.”

The new 101,000 square-foot Virden Regional Multi-purpose Community Center is an impressive facility. The complex houses a fitness centre with 24-hour access; a NHL-size hockey arena seating 1,200; a 500-seat community hall; a pool; changing rooms to accommodate the different users; as well as office space and board rooms.

“We really appreciate the flexibility and control we have in granting and managing access,” Davidson explained. “The hockey team needs no key, we programme access for them for one door, so whenever they return from a game, they have the access they need when they need it. The Brivo system controls pool and changing room access, the exterior door to the hockey arena ice plant room, all exterior doors, and the separate entrance for 24-hour access to the Fitness Center. We’ve got a system that does all that and enables us to keep close track of who comes and goes.”

The Virden Regional Multi-purpose Community Complex’s system is programmed to send an alert when someone enters the fitness centre, and they’re looking to do the same to alert the building manager to any activities after hours, such as the return of the hockey team. “Doing so will give us real peace of mind,” Davidson commented.

To date, Virden Center staff are managing access for over 170 users at 11 doors throughout the complex, including some interior doors. The manager of the fitness centre reports that since installing the Brivo system, fee collection is up as members are certainly motivated to stay current when their card will not grant them access to the facilities.

“Our management of the facility is greatly improved,” Davidson said. “We’re not giving everyone keys, we’re able to issue a card that, for example, only gets you in that door and only for so long. The programming of the system was easy, the hockey team thinks it’s great, we have no keys to manage, and our employees like it. The Brivo system is great; it’s done everything we’ve asked it to do.”

Davidson’s endorsement will be backed up when the new 10,000-square foot curling rink is completed—Virden Regional Multi-purpose Community Complex management has decided to add four or five more doors to the Brivo system to manage access at that new facility as well.

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