

Iraqi minister to lead Iraq Defence, Security & Communications summit

Dubai, UAE

The forthcoming Iraq Defence, Security & Communications summit received a further boost this week with the news that Iraqi Minister of National security affairs his excellency Shirwan Al-Waili has formally confirmed in writing that he will lead a senior delegation of Deputies and Director Generals at the event.

The summit, which will take place in Dubai on 16-17 February 2008, is organised to bring together the Government of Iraq and the international private sector to discuss the key issues in Iraq related to defence and security matters and to foster collaborative relationships so that the necessary international expertise can be applied to this important sector.

The summit has already received confirmation of attendance from His Excellency Abdul Qadir Obeidi, Iraqi minister of defence, who will be attending with a strong ministerial delegation to hold critical discussions with international defence contractors.

The summit will also be welcoming delegations from the Iraqi Ministries of Interior, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Ministry of Interior and the KRG Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs (Defence), as Iraq looks for improvements within its police service, defence and security equipment procurement, civil defence, border enforcement and facilities protection.

In addition to these key areas, the summit will welcome participation from the Iraqi Ministries of communications and science & technology, with emphasis being placed on the importance of technological solutions and use of information communication technology to aid the sector.

A number of the pre-eminent operators in the defence, security, technology and telecommunications market have already confirmed their participation at the summit.

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