

IP-in-Action coming to Dallas

Dallas, Texas

IP-in-Action LIVE is coming to Dallas, the one day educational program and trade show will be held at Cityplace Conference Center - in Dallas, Texas on Tuesday, November 6, 2007.

The event is designed for systems integrators, end users and consultants who need to learn about IP Security and its impact on business.

A keynote presentation will be held by Dan Dunkel of the private consulting firm New Era Associations. Dan will review the history of high technology deployments as a barometer to future trends in the security industry and provide statistical analysis.

Attendees will discover how new security applications are impacting IP networking and storage strategies as security policy becomes an issue at the executive level. And, they will understand the new buying relationships that result from the convergence of security solutions across the corporate IT infrastructure and how to leverage these buying relationships in the sales and partner development strategies.

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