

iLoq once again praised for innovative technology

Oulu, Finland

The national INNOFINLAND Prize of the President of the Republic 2008 was awarded to iLoq Ltd. The purpose of Innofinland is to promote creativity, skill, entrepreneurial spirit and co-operation in Finland in a practical and creative way in order to nationally improve opportunities for wellbeing. The theme for Innofinland 08 was 'Climate and energy'.

Managing director Mika Pukari considers iLoq's success in the competition yet another acknowledgment for company's innovativeness and the environmental friendliness of the iLoq S10 locking system. "It proves that we have managed to develop a solution saving the environment whilst increasing security level and management convenience of locking systems." Earlier this year iLoq won already the two most important international security awards, the "IFSEC Security Industry 2008" award as well as the Detektor International Award 2008".

iLoq Ltd introduced a revolutionary locking system which integrates modern mechatronics with communication and software technologies enabling a new level of high-security throughout the lifetime of a locking system. The core of the electronically keyed iLoq S10 locking system is the unique electromechanic iLoq C10 lock cylinder which replaces existing mechanical lock cylinders. Both the lock cylinder and the key look ordinary but function digitally. The system is self-powered - The electricity needed is harvested from insertion of the key. As no batteries or electric wiring are required, the locks and the keys are easy to install and maintain, and the system is an environmentally friendly "green" solution.

INNOFINLAND was established in 1994. President of the Republic acts as patron of the project. The national INNOFINLAND Prizes are awarded, both regionally and nationally, each year as an acknowledgement of and encouragement for innovative entrepreneurship. The prize can be awarded to businesses, organisations or persons whose ideas, inventions or innovations significantly have promoted creativity, entrepreneurship, co-operation and employment in Finland.

The organisers of INNOFINLAND consist of a wide range of influential bodies in Finnish business life: Confederation of Finnish Industries, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Foundation for Finnish Inventions, Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland, National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland, Finnish National Fund for Research and Development (Sitra), Jobs & Society in Finland, Federation of Finnish Enterprises, National Technology Agency of Finland (Tekes), Employment and Economic Development Centres (T&E Centres), Ministry of Labour, Finnish Regional Councils, educational establishments and other organisations supporting innovative activities.

iLoq Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets advanced high security electronic locking solutions integrating modern mechatronics with communication and software technologies in innovative ways. The core of iLoq locking systems is a self-powered electromechanic lock cylinder that replaces existing mechanic lock cylinders. iLoq locking systems offer superior keying, maintenance, lifecycle and cost benefits whilst saving environment.

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