

Iguana provides effective surveillance at public facilities area in Iran

Bandar Abbas, Iran

A public facility in Bandar Abbas, Iran has had the Sunvision Scientific Inc. active tracking surveillance system, Iguana, successfully installed to provide surveillance footage of their parking lot and entrance.

As the entire space and its perimeter covers a large area and is long, the existing surveillance cameras were considered inadequate to effectively control security within the facility. After a long process of evaluation, it was decided to use the Iguana system, which was initially installed at the entrance and then also car park control. This was a breakthrough solution in comparison to those traditional ones, as the Iguana is able to provide not only the view of the scene but also the zoom view both at the same time.

The Iguana active tracking surveillance system is designed with two revolutionary concepts. The first is that there are two built-in cameras, and the second is that it is designed with a mirror mechanism.

The two cameras design combines both the advantages of telescopic range and wide angle range. The wide angle camera locates the target in a scene, and the telescopic camera will concurrently provide the zoom- view bringing with it excellent detailed images of the targeted object.

The Iguana system is able to cover a large area and automatically tracks up to 5 moving targets within 1 second. It is a unique and ideal solution for premises with a very large surface area to cover, plus it is effective for surveillance tracking of multiple moving targets/directions.

Whilst most speed dome cameras are capable of only tracking one target at a given tracking speed, usually greater than or equal to 3 seconds, the Iguana system quickly brings a much clearer view providing information for effective decisions and action.

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