This shift, predicts HID Global, will ultimately lead to increased adoption of mobile devices and the latest smart card technology, a greater emphasis and reliance on the cloud and a radical new way of thinking of trust in smart environments and the Internet of Things (IoT).
HID Global predicts the trends will transform the way trusted identities are used with smart cards, mobile devices, wearables, embedded chips and other “smart” objects, particularly in industries focused on regulatory compliance, such as government, finance and health care.
Stefan Widing, president and CEO of HID Global, says 2017 will mark an important phase in the industry, as organisations seek to use the broadest range of smart devices ever.
“This will directly impact how customers view and use trusted identities on mobile devices and smart cards for more activities in more connected environments,” he says.
The four main trends within the identity technology industry, as predicted by HID Global are as follows:
1. Greater uptake of mobile devices and advanced smart cards will require trusted identities
With more people and things becoming connected, trusted IDs will provide individuals with a more personalised level of security to enable them to conduct transactions and daily activities on their phones, wearables or smart cards.
2. Hybrid cloud-based solutions will create common management platforms for digital IDs
The growing use of cloud-based solutions will make it easier for administrators to deploy and maintain an integrated identity system and enable organisations to better monitor and manage employees’ access rights.
3. The popularity of the IoT will increase the need for the Internet of Trusted Things (IoTT)
A growing range of industries embracing the power of the IoT will lead to the need for an increasing number of trusted identities to help secure, customize and enhance the user experience.
4. Trusted identities will be more deeply embedded in business and consumer activities
Trusted identities will become an embedded feature of more use cases rather than simply an add-on capability. This will lead to many more convenient approaches to using digital identities across a growing variety of activities, services and industries.