

Geutebruck Lenel interface certificated

Windhagen, Germany

Two new Geutebruck licenses now facilitate professional data exchange between the Geutebruck system world and Lenel's Onguard management system.
The licenses and related software packages were recently officially certificated as meeting the requirements of the Lenel Open Access Alliance Program.

The Gevi/G-Onevent license activates the event interface when connecting the Lenel Onguard ACS system to the Geutebruck Gevisoft video management system. This enables event data to control DVR recording, presentation and search functions through Geutebruck’s video presentation infrastructure. With this topology the Geutebruck video management system processes all information provided by the connected Lenel system. The license allows the Onguard system to supply event information to an unlimited number of Geviscope and Re-porter recorders.

The GSC/G-Onview license activates the recorder interface when Geutebruck’s Geviscope and Re-porter systems are connected to the Lenel Onguard management system, allowing any number of licensed Geviscope and Re-porter devices to be addressed and queried. For managing, displaying and monitoring Geviscope and Re-porter devices Lenel uses an Openvideo SDK specification-based system. Both pictures and specific alarm information (e.g. sensor alarms) can be queried and displayed via the Onguard GUI. Status and contact state information can also be exchanged. One GSC/G-Onview license is needed for each Geviscope or Re-porter system connected.

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