

Fastlane compact gets face lift

Middlesex, UK

The Fastlane compact is being given a face lift. The Compact was the original Fastlane design and has been one of Integrated Design's leading products for the last 14 years.

The face lift is going to give the product a new modern styling with greater architectural flexibility with a choice of different shaped ends (Square, Round or Wedged) and options for decorative tops in different materials to blend the unit in with building design. The standard top material will be Midnight Corian. Additionally the compact will have all new electronics taking advantage of the Cat 5 interconnections for easier and faster installation.

The other key difference is that the text display has been updated with a new clear traffic light display system for great user acceptance. However the Fastlane Compact will still keep its small footprint to ensure it can fit in to the smallest of reception areas.

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