During the event, Extrahop featured a series of industry thought leadership presentations from Phantom, Ixia, and others speaking on the rapidly emerging role of NTA in the enterprise SOC, the importance of TLS 1.3 decryption for security visibility, and the power of orchestration automation. Special sessions took place throughout the day on the company's stand over the duration of the event.
"Security teams are drowning in alerts and many are left without the resources they need to stay ahead of attackers," said Bryce Hein, SVP of Marketing at Extrahop. "Threat hunting in the modern attack landscape is not possible without enterprise-class network traffic analytics, making NTA a must-have for the modern enterprise SOC."
Extrahop Reveal(x) significantly reduces dwell time by highlighting late-stage attack activities and shining light on the darkspace in the enterprise—the hard-to-see areas of the network along the east-west corridor. Through comprehensive analysis of network traffic, Reveal(x) automatically identifies attack behaviour, delivering high-fidelity insights into threats to critical assets. By merging insights into investigative workflows, Reveal(x) helps security operations teams shrink detection and response times, disrupt threat activity, and identify ways to reduce the attack surface.