

DMS series recorders now HD ready

Regensburg, Germany

As of now, the recorders of the DMS series "In Memory of Leonardo" are HD ready. That means customers are already ideally equipped for the Dallmeier HD cameras, which will be available in autumn.

The H.264 compression standard ensures that HD cameras can even be used with small bandwidths. Already purchased recorder models can be upgraded.

The benefits:

- Future-proof technology: Now is the time to rely on a platform that is HD ready.
- Investment protection: Migration to HD cameras can be carried out at a later point in time, without the need for a new recorder.
- Flexibility: Owing to the hybrid functionality analogue, IP, and HD cameras can be operated simultaneously.
- Cost-efficiency: Should HD cameras also be connected in the future, existing analogue and IP cameras can still be used.
- Everything from one source: All components are perfectly coordinated and tested for compatibility.

HD technology is a sustainable high-resolution video standard with 16:9 image format. Nevertheless customers don't have to give up the advantages of the Dallmeier Cam_inPIX technology. Dallmeier HD cameras are characterised by a high dynamic range and a good adjustment. The result is high colour fidelity and richness of detail, while the bit rate still remains low.

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