

Cyberlock smart locks for smart grid security

Corvallis, Oregon

Videx recently showcased its suite of high security electromechanical lock cylinders and padlocks at the Distributech and Utility Products co-located shows in San Antonio, Texas, demonstrating how the use of CyberLock can increase security for the utility and distribution industries.
"Cyberlock cylinders and padlocks perform extremely well in wet, corrosive environments; this allows our customers in the distribution industry to secure critical infrastructure at all times," says James McGowan, V.P. of Sales & Marketing at Videx. "And best of all, with the auditing features provided by both the lock and the key, our customers know who accessed what lock and when."

Cyberlock cylinders are designed to operate in a wide variety of applications where high security is required, such as entry gates, substations, containers, equipment closets, remote storage areas, trucks, storage bins, and more. The system's electronic keys cannot be duplicated or copied, and can be deactivated if lost or stolen, reducing the risk of unauthorised entry.

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