As one of the region's largest employers, Rurtalwerkstätten provides employment to around 1000 staff across no fewer than six sites. The Niederzier site covers an area of approximately 9000 m2 and contains workshops, storage rooms and areas for metal and sheet metal processing, woodworking, packaging and assembly, mechanics, gardening and landscaping, a kitchen and work areas with special supervisory requirements. Whilst the premises are secured on one side by the main building, a very busy highway and an almost impenetrable hedge, entrance gates and fences along side roads make it easy for potential thieves to see into and enter the site. Thieves are particularly attracted to the metals warehouse and the storage area for noble gas bottles which contain valuable materials.
Complete perimeter protection
Fences have been cut open and not only has stainless steel been taken from the metals warehouse but on one occasion even three small vans were stolen. Plant manager Klaus Amling turned to ABN Alarmanlagen-BewachungNotrufservice in Aachen for help. After analysing the situation in Niederzier, ABN developed a customised security concept that takes into account local conditions and the existing infrastructure and which is based mainly on the professional video technology, motion detection and video-based alarm services of the emergency control centre and service point (NSL) which is incorporated as a functional element. The result is complete perimeter protection which minimises the probability of false alarms through intelligent linking of video and infrared sensors.
Cameras and a motion detector
Until now, only two entrance gates were monitored using standard analogue cameras. Four more high-quality analogue cameras have now been combined with an ADPRO by Xtralis Passive-Infrared Detector (PIR). With a range of up to 150 metres, the detectors cover the sensitive areas along the outer perimeter, the at-risk storage facilities and the natural gas fuelling station. Cameras and motion detectors transmit their signals to a HeiTel by Xtralis VideoGateway "CamDisc VG SVR". The VideoGateway does not just record video sequences at predefined times (agreed with the Works Council) it also immediately reports alarms to the emergency control centre and service point (NSL) operated by ABN. The important thing is that the alarm messages are clear and that false alarms can be ruled out. To make this possible, the HeiTel VideoGateways link the HeiTel Video-Based Motion Detection (VMD) with ADPRO Infrared Motion Detection (IMD) with the result that almost no false alarms are forwarded to the NSL. Unnecessary and expensive physical deployments are prevented while very rapid alarm verification by means of video link is still possible at any time. Following a prior call and entry of an agreed password, including after the security system has been activated, the NSL can allow access to the premises remotely and thereby monitor who is entering or leaving the site.
Plant Manager Amling summarises the project as follows: "We are very pleased with the design and installation of the system by ABN and are confident that our new, clearly marked surveillance system will mean no further break-ins. ABN was an obvious choice as installer because we have been using their services for many years now, including guard and patrol services, and over time a real relationship of trust has developed between us."
Four arrests within a short time
"We apply the ADPRO PIR series with great success and appreciate not only the phenomenal low false alarm rate, but the exceptional detection reliability and easy and time-saving setting-up of these outdoor motion detectors. When the ADPRO PIRs are installed correctly the false alarm rate decreases dramatically", states Norbert Jarosch, Technical Director at ABN. "The PIRs unique remote diagnosis and remote configuration features allow us to analyse the detection characteristics right away - using the timesynchronous video transmission - and optimise the parametrization. That's why we can guarantee our customers a high system availability and operational reliability." He explains ABNs market approach offering pro-active security services: "The combination of intelligent perimeter protection, HeiTel by Xtralis VideoGateways and the video-based services of the CMS ensures a distinct additional value for our customers: Early detection of intrusion effectively prevents damage or crime before it's done. The combination of infrared motion detection and video based alarm verification by the CMS also fulfils the (in Germany obligatory) requirements for alarm verification. The intervention forces will then snap to it right away. Surveilling a recycling yard with ADPRO PIRs, we had 4 arrests within a short time - a succes that speaks for itself."
The Rurtalwerkstaetten management can be sure that their investment in the ingenious perimeter protection system will repay itself very quickly. The considerable damage caused by break-in and theft will be prevented in the future through early and reliable detection, video remote verification and a rapid intervention.