

Combined Eagle Eye & Brivo event sees record attendance

Austin, Tx

Discussions at the Summit included the convergence of AI and machine learning in security.

The second annual Brivo and Eagle Eye Networks Cloud Security Summit 2019, attracted attendance from over 150 security industry experts from the US, Europe and Asia Pacific.  They convened at the Lost Pines Resort in Austin, Texas for three days of thought provoking insights, best practice sharing, and in-depth discussions of cloud security evolution.

“We’re extremely proud of what this event has become – an opportunity for cloud security pioneers from across the globe to network and share innovative, high impact strategies to propel their businesses. The growth in attendance and the geographic diversity represented at this event proves that cloud deployment for physical security is moving to the forefront,” said Dean Drako, CEO of Eagle Eye Networks and Chairman of Brivo.

“Our talented resellers showed up in force and devoured the feature-rich product roadmaps, growing sales strategies and examples, targeted marketing support and deep learning programmes,” said Steve Van Till, President and CEO of Brivo.

Discussions at the Summit included the convergence of AI and machine learning in security, how to extract meaningful information from these new data sets and how to apply artificial intelligence to solve problems and create opportunities in the security industry.

“The part that most impressed me was the incredible passion and dedication the people of Eagle Eye Networks and Brivo have to make great products,” said Fred van Poelgeest from Niefra Security in Amsterdam. His son Maarten Martijn continues, “This Cloud Summit proved how Cloud Security is already becoming very mainstream in North America. In Europe, we are experiencing the transition to Cloud right now, and it is great to be leading this change in the Netherlands.”


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