

Boon Edam doors go IP

Lillington, NC (USA)

Boonconnect now provides additional features for the facility manager and/or the service technician.

Boonconnect is accessible via a secure connection from any device with a browser and internet connection

As of May 1st, the Boon Edam existing software tool, Boonconnect, will be addressable in real time via a web browser and will be a standard feature for both the Tourlock security revolving door and the Circlelock security mantrap portal. Boonconnect is used to troubleshoot, configure and access key door operational data. Technicians will now be able to access a variety of door functions remotely to resolve issues faster than ever before and minimize downtime.

Boonconnect was first launched in 2013 and at the time was physically accessible with a secure password, but only via a small touchscreen mounted on the Tourlock security revolving door’s endpost. Now, Boonconnect is accessible via a secure connection from any device with a browser and internet connection, such as a PC, tablet, Ipad, smartphone, etc. Users simply select the IP address of the door they want to access and log in to access current information about the door and run diagnostics.

Boonconnect now provides additional features for the facility manager and/or the service technician.  For example, upon logging in, users can immediately see the product name and pick up information on the current door status, such as site location, serial number and tracking of the last time accessed. In addition, the user can see the total number of rotations or completed user entries since the last service date, as well as the total number of piggybacking/tailgating attempts and safety sensor activations.

There are also additional diagnostic functions available to technicians, who can access the door’s control system and troubleshoot/test various functions of the door, such as sensor performance, door wing alignment, motor speed, braking speed, and more, without removing ceiling parts as in the past.

The security mode of a Tourlock or Circlelock can now also be set instantly to control use of the integrated access control system. For example, the door can be set to require credentials to go into the secure area and no credentials to exit (secure in, free out). Several different modes and combinations are available.


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