

Airlive IP solution for logistics challenge

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cooperativa Agropecuaria Gral. Necochea Ltda., Buenos Aires (Argentina) was searching for an IP surveillance solution for vehicle control, logistics and security purposes at its offices and warehouses. The biggest challenge for this project was transmitting the surveillance data between different points within such a wide space.
There are two sides to the area needing to be covered, and one side is six hectares with an office area, barn and truck parking area. On the other side there are two areas each of several square feet; one includes another office area, a scale/weighting area and unloading facilities and the other area includes just warehouses dedicated to the storage of goods.

Due to the distances between the different points to monitor the whole scene, project integrator Ms. Paula M. Tristan had to face the challenge of transmitting the data from multiple IP cameras spread over such a wide area. The maximum distance to cover is 200 metres; including several obstacles in between.

During the first stage of the installation, the network equipment option finally chosen was to replace part of their original wireless networking equipments with Airlive Airmax2.

In addition, the integrator also chose the Airlive WHA-5500CPE and the Airlive WLA-9000AP-PCBA along with the Airmax 2 to establish a wireless network between buildings, headquarters, and places where there was no wireless service available. To date, this same wireless network is still used to transmit the data to monitor all fields from the headquarters.

According to the project leader and the directors of the company, after testing the solution provided, the new system more than meets the original expectations and requirements and is showing excellent results.

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