

6,9 percent growth on the US electronic security market

According to the Freedonia-report "Electronic Security Systems - Market Research, Market Share, Market Size, Sales, Demand Forecast, Market Leaders, Company Profiles, Industry Trends", the US market for electronic security systems will grow 6.9 percent annually through 2010, spurred in part by high risk perceptions and technology developments.

Access controls, contraband detectors and automotive security devices will lead gains. The industrial market will become the The study analyzes the $11 billion US electronic security product industry. It presents historical demand data (1995, 2000 and 2005) and forecasts to 2010 and 2015 by product (e.g., alarms, access controls, closed-circuit television systems, contraband detection systems, electronic article surveillance systems, automotive security systems) and by market.
The report also considers market environment factors, details industry structure, evaluates company market share and profiles 39 leading competitors including General Electric, Honeywell International, Tyco International, United Technologies, and Si

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