In January, Smiths Detection announced that Bioflash was capable of detecting airborne SARS-CoV-2 by the United States Army of Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), and has been successfully used by several Universities to stop the spread of Covid-19 following airborne detection in several campus buildings.
“It has been a great asset to have this equipment at UMBC. As everyone knows, you need a layered protection strategy to combat Covid. Bioflash is easy and fast to use which makes it a critical part of our mitigation strategy to help prevent transmission,” said Mike Pound, Director of Environmental Health and Safety for University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).
“Emerging variants are a threat to pandemic recovery; however, mitigation strategies that utilise Bioflash will have an advantage. Bioflash works by collecting aerosols and identifies the presence of dangerous pathogens using sensitive, specific and rapid detection in near-real time without laboratory analysis. Not only can Bioflash detect Covid-19 and its variants, it can be used by anyone, giving them immediate results, in minutes not days, which helps stop the spread of Covid-19 and other airborne pathogens.” Explains Warren Mino, Managing Director, Smiths Detection.