Firstly the Bacnetclient which implements the Bacnetstack and thus enables the easy coupling of a Bacnet system to Winguard. The current functional scope includes the objects binary input, output and value.
Integrations also include Fibersensys the perimeter protection system from the American manufacturer Sensys Inc, and also the Genetecsecurity development allows Winguard to connect to the access control component of Genetec Security Center software.
Developments with Mobotixeventstream mean that Mobotix cameras can be displayed and controlled via Mobotix Eventstreamclient SDK, and it supports the following camera models: P3 platform (x15/x25), Mx6 (x16/x26), 7-Series (x7x). In particular, the supported camera models may have additional image sensors that can also be displayed via the interface, e.g. thermal sensors.
Additionally, Genio is an interface for connecting any simple systems by means of simply structured TCP/IP messages. This enables an easy integration of these systems into Winguard. In addition, outgoing messages and the processing of incoming messages can be adapted to the respective requirements in order to control the external system and to display events and states.