Taiwanese government acknowledged the phenomenon and initiated a project to work out a series of IoT cyber security standards and regulations, with a testing system for networking solutions for products being used in Taiwan.
The new government policy aims to build ‘a safe and reliable digital land’ in Taiwan; and it recognises that cyber security in IP surveillance has been highlighted as a serious issue throughout the world at large today, thus, the policy will also give impetus to the IP surveillance industry of Taiwan enabling it to enhance its export business to the rest of the globe.
IoT Cyber Security Standards & Regulation:
72% compliant to UL 2900
Committed to this goal, at the end of 2017, the government gathered together the industrial elite, specialists in cyber security (including white-hat hackers), scholars and officials to work on “The IoT Cyber Security Standards and Testing Specification.” The Video Surveillance System Series Standards (for IP cameras and for NVRs/DVRs) are said to be 72% compliant to the requirements of UL2900, according to III (The Institution for Information Industry), a think tank and R&D organisation for, the Digital Economy, Industrialisation and Talent Cultivation, created to lead Digital Country Development in Taiwan. The standards and regulations will be reviewed and updated under the supervision of III when any industrial feedback or market complaints are raised.
Alongside the announcement of these new standards and testing specifications, the TAF(*), a non-profit organisation which offers third-party impartial, independent and transparent assessment services, has further certified a batch of six testing labs to perform and deliver the testing, consultation, and certification services on the software and hardware of IP surveillance products/solutions.
TSSIA helps to promote the Standards
to the Security Industry
The IoT Cyber Security Standards have regulated all basic requirements on networking IP surveillance devices in Part I (TAICS TS0014-1 v1.0). Those requirements specially applying to IP cameras are described in Part II (TAICS TS0014-2 v2.0). And, the requirements for DVRs and NVRs have just been announced at the end of March 2019.
TSSIA (Taiwan Safety and Security Industry Association) has been assigned by the IDB (Industry Develop Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs) to help Taiwan-based IP surveillance manufacturers to improve and enhance their IP cameras, NVRs and DVRs with the consultation and testing services from the TAF-certified testing Labs. In 2018, sixteen brands or companies (with logos listed below) joined the consultation and testing programme to check and improve the cyber security performance of their products.
From now on, if international brands, wish to undertake OEM or OBM manufacturing in Taiwan, they will also be able to use the service at a limited cost; which will provide an impartial testing report from the certified 3rd party to assure the cyber security performance of their OEM/OBM products before being shipped.
The TSSIA in joint-force with the ETC testing Lab will be exhibiting, and available at, Ifsec International 2019. If interested in the consultation and testing services, please visit stand #IF2632 of Ifsec International, London Excel, UK, from 18-20 June 2019.
TAF(*), The Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, is the only body in Taiwan recognised by the Government for the accreditation of conformity assessment against international standards. TAF is a full member of iLac-MRA. The ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA) provides significant technical underpinning to the calibration, testing, medical testing and inspection results of the accredited conformity assessment bodies and in turn delivers confidence in the acceptance of results. The ILAC MRA supports the provision of local or national services, such as providing safe food and clean drinking.