Dutch computer vision and machine learning power house Kepler Vision Technologies combines deep healthcare and nursing-specific expertise with profound artificial intelligence (AI)-based in human activity recognition know-how. Mobotix has focused on the healthcare industry for many years and has already implemented numerous projects for hospitals, retirement, and nursing homes. In this context, the optical sensors from Mobotix and the solutions developed with them benefit above all from their outstanding data protection and cyber security properties. These competencies are indispensable in the highly personality-sensitive area of healthcare. The two companies are set to launch their first joint solution on the market before the end of this year.
"Mobotix healthcare solutions focus on people. Mobotix promotes recovery, and well-being with its video technology. This led Mobotix to be the market leader in health care sensors and " said Harro Stokman, CEO of Kepler Vision Technologies, during his visit to the Mobotix headquarters in Langmeil. "This is what convinced us of the cooperation because to have economic success in healthcare, people must benefit. That is the sick person being cared for, the patient’s family, and the caregivers who urgently need relief. Last but not least, the operators of the facility must benefit from the solution - in terms of personnel, finances, and time," explains Stokman.
"With Kepler Vision Technologies, we have found a partner that shares our values in the sensitive area of healthcare," added Christian Cabirol, CTO of Mobotix AG. "Today, we were once again able to convince ourselves that our joint solution - the combination of Kepler's AI expertise in the nursing and care sector and our data- and cyber-secure, qualitatively and technologically leading hardware and software - will be an enormous asset for the nursing and care market," Cabirol is convinced.
For the joint solution to be launched this year, Stokman and Cabirol have been discussing final technical details with their teams and finalising the launch. There are already ideas for expanding the cooperation in the interest of both companies, but above all, for the people to be cared for, the caregivers and the operators of the facilities, who Mobotix and Kepler assure that they will be able to benefit from this and future joint solutions in terms of care quality, time and financial expenditure.