13850 Greasque
Om virksomheden
Protecting people, assets and data through secure identification and access control
For over 20 years, we have been inventing and supplying identification products and solutions for High Security physical and logical access control, Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) and industrial asset tracking in harsh environments such as aerospace, defense, oil and gas…
We help companies, governments and industries around the world ensure easy and secure management of digital identity by developing smart identification solutions based on cutting-edge RFID, NFC and Bluetooth® Smart technologies, and Internet of Things (IoT).
Our self-standing and innovative contactless identification solutions have been designed to make your job easier. With STid Security, we provide identification tools that adapt to your existing processes and equipment. We deliver seamless access controls for your staff and vehicles, while ensuring the highest standard of security.
“It’s important to future-proof access control systems”
Genetec udvider porteføljen med nyt Stid I/O-modul
Stid får 20 mio. euro til fortsat ekspansion fra investeringsfond
Nexus X Stid: Unik ID-løsning forbinder fysisk og digital adgang
Genetec, Axis og Stid laver fælles NIS2-workshops i fire hovedstæder
Multinationalt partnerskab sikrer forskning på globalt niveau
“Only open systems can be future-proofed”
Årets bedste adgangskontrolløsninger kom fra Alcatraz AI, Acre og Stid
Non-NIS-compatible access control systems are an important security issue
New Stid reader identifies vehicle, driver and pedestrian simultaneously
STid og Cisper har indgået partnerskab
Hverken pandemi eller snestorm stoppede Sectech
Ti gode råd til valg af adgangskontrolsystem
Robert Jansson, Stid: Åben teknologi giver sikrere adgangskontrolsystemer
“Open and GDPR-safe technology is the way forward in the age of IoT”
Åben og GDPR-sikker teknologi er vejen frem i IoT-alderen
Nordisk tilpasset læser til adgangskontrol med RFID og Bluetooth-teknologi